Staff Profiles

Tina Lincoln – Development Manager (SAMS)

Tina Lincoln works as the Care Matters Development Manager at SAMS and is part of the Senior Leadership Team.

Tina is interested in Community Learning, Developmental Evaluation, and Community Development. Tina has a whānau member with a disability who relies on others to communicate her desires. Tina has been in the disability sector for 25 years, 18 of which with SAMS.

She values the rights and equality of all people. She has led Enabling Good Lives family groups around New Zealand for 10 years and has contributed to the co-design of both the System Transformation and the prototype. She has been a family voice in the Whaikaha Community Reference Group and was previously a Facilitator for Enabling Good Lives Mid-Central Regional Leadership Group. She has personal experience with the Enabling Good Lives approach in MidCentral. She is excited about her role in Whaikaha Strategy Advisor Group.

Moemoe Muli’aumaseali’i – Whānau Member Facilitator (SAMS)

I am of Māori and Pasifika descent and as a mother of three including one with additional needs, I am passionate about ensuring whānau know what’s available to them to increase their choices.

I’m a board member of the Brain Injured Children Trust and a full-time support for my son, supporting him with his intensive neuro-developmental therapy program. I am also a part of the Enabling Good Lives Waikato Family Core Group and serve in my church as a youth advisor.

I’m enjoying working with SAMS and Care Matters offering a perspective of a young mother for the Aotearoa that I would like my son to live in now and in the future.

Lianne Clarke – Whānau Member Facilitator (SAMS)

Lianne has a background in education and has been with SAMS for over 20 years. She lives in Auckland.

As a whānau member Lianne is keen to ensure the rights of those using disability supports are addressed through developmental evaluation and education.

Lianne is committed to working in partnership with stakeholders in the sector to promote equity and advance service development.

Neum Muli’aumaseali’i – Whānau Member Facilitator (SAMS)

Neum is a husband to an amazing wife and father to three beautiful children.

His youngest son has a disability which has driven his passion and led him to work alongside disability organizations and has roles such as the Pasifika representative for Enabling Good Lives Waikato Leadership group.

Neum is a registered Social Worker that has experience in residential care, disability support, and ACC rehabilitation programs.

Jaye Lincoln – Whānau Member Facilitator

Jaye has a varied background of roles within the social services and disability sectors in Aotearoa, but her primary experience comes from being a whanau member of a disabled person.

She is based in Te Papaoiea with her whanau and is currently on a journey of discovering her own whakapapa, with connection to Ngati Porou and Te Atiawa. Jaye is also involved in whanau community-based mahi in midcentral region.

Jaye is passionate about being part of shifting change leading to positive outcomes in the disability sector in Aotearoa and believes that individuals should have access to knowledge and information leading to making informed choices to live their great life.

Delia Nolan – Co-Executive Director of SAMS

Delia Nolan is a policy professional with extensive experience in advising decision-makers. She is currently the Lead Advisor to the Chief Commissioner at the Human Rights Commission, Te Kāhui Tika Tangata.

Delia is a strategic thinker and spends much of her time imagining ways to combat discrimination in Aotearoa. Her career in policy supports her desire to improve outcomes for vulnerable communities. Of Ngati Porou descent and with lived experience of a disability, Delia is a strong voice for tāngata whaikaha Māori. In order to be able to articulate that voice, she is currently undertaking her Masters in Indigenous Studies.

In her spare time, she likes riding her motorbike and hanging out with whānau.

Karen Miles – Chief Executive of Parent to Parent

Karen Miles, CE of Parent to Parent. With a degree in psychology, family counseling expertise, and experience across family-led services worldwide, Karen is well-used to supporting people through challenges. Experience across family-led services and corporate change management, Karen has spent the past forty years traversing the globe to support people through challenges. From Canada to New Zealand, Australia, and Micronesia, Karen has set up services where there were previously none and led the drive to create family-centered models of disability support.

Frian Wadia – Facilitator (Parent to Parent)

Frian Wadia MNZM has many years of experience advocating for her disabled children’s education. She is connected with several groups and initiatives championing inclusion and equity for all disabled children within the education system and their communities. In 2019 She was appointed to the National Lotteries Individuals with Disabilities distribution committee and the Teaching Council governance board.

Her endeavours are aimed at empowering families and disabled people; improving systems, policies, and legislation to ensure disabled children’s rights are upheld; and equity is ensured for all children irrespective of their abilities, socioeconomic status, neurodiversity, and any other challenges.

Summer Findlay – Facilitator (Parent to Parent)

Summer is a dedicated Facilitator and the SibLeader Coordinator at Parent to Parent. She brings a wealth of personal experience and passion to her role. An adult Sibling, Summer has been volunteering with SibSupport for over nine years. Summer’s commitment to making a positive impact on children’s lives is evident in everything she does. Her firsthand experiences enable her to connect deeply with the children and families she supports. Her journey from volunteer to SibLeader Coordinator of the National SibSupport Program is a testament to her dedication and exemplary leadership.

Sam Gutteridge – Facilitator (Parent to Parent)

Sam is a vibrant Facilitator and dedicated SibLeader, contributing to SibSupport for the past seven years. His enthusiasm and experience, including his work with Camp America, bring a unique energy to the team. Passionate about adventure and supporting the next generation of siblings, Sam played a pivotal role in the SibVoyage initiative, using his skills to create impactful and memorable experiences for siblings. His commitment and dynamic approach inspire both the siblings he supports and his fellow facilitators.

Siobhan Vaccarino – Business and Communications Advisor (SAMS)

Siobhan has worked in a variety of roles within the disability sector with her most recent being at SAMS and Care Matters as the administrative and communications coordinator. Siobhan is based in Te Whanganui-a-Tara with her pug Pinocchio completing her communications degree.  

Being a whānau member of a disabled person and having lived experience makes her passionate to see change in the disability sector.  

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