two hands holding
online resources

Online resources

Clear, constructive, up-to-date information helping carers to examine possibilities, consider alternatives, be strategic, and have a say.

people at a meeting

Face-to-Face workshops & events

Nationwide events run by Care Matters giving carers, whānau and siblings of people with disabilities a chance to network and learn.

Designed by carers for carers


Building on more than three decades of work in the disability community, SAMS (Standards and Monitoring Services) and Parent to Parent New Zealand have combined their values, vision, people, connections and strengths to provide carers with resources and opportunities.

Care Matters is guided by an advisory group, with most members being carers. Priorities and resources are co-developed with the involvement of a national Carer e-Leadership network. This network includes many existing and emerging carer leaders in New Zealand who have considerable insight into the challenges and aspirations of carers associated with the disability community.


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Keep up to date with Care Matters workshops on social media  Facebook

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