Looking After Yourself

It’s not always easy to find the time to look after yourself, the following information has been compiled by carers and whānau about how you might do this and manage the important relationships you have with others.

Tips to Stay on Top of it All

The tips below were developed by other whānau about what they found useful to try and ‘stay on top of it all’. One thing is certain, life will not be the same.

Managing Stress

Some suggestions to help you manage stress.

Tips for Time Out

As carers and whānau, some of us are not always great about doing what we need to do in order to keep ourselves healthy. If we look after ourselves we are often in a better place to care for someone else. 

Managing Relationships with Professionals

In this article you will find a selection of approaches and strategies that are intended to make it more likely that you (the carer or whānau) and the professional/s you interact with develop a shared goal, have clarity and work together constructively.

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