Enabling Good Lives (EGL) & System Transformation

A General Process for Enabling Good Lives Planning

The Foundation 

Explore the EGL Vision and Principles

Who is in my/our network (Family and Friends)

What have we/I achieved in my life so far

List personal and family strengths – what skills do we have?

What we/I like and dislike

The Destination

What would a great life look like for me/us?

What do I/we want to achieve in our life?  Dare to Dream

How do I imagine my best future

The Pathway

What are the steps that can help me an us get to our goals?

Who can assist me an us to achieve our next steps?

What is the first thing I need to do?

What supports and services, if any, do we need?

How will I know when we are moving towards achieving our goal?

Checking Progress

What is working well?

What needs to change?

Do I/we need support to think about this more?

Overview of Enabling Good Lives and System Transformation

Find out about Enabling Good Lives (EGL) Principles, System Transformation and what this might mean for you and your whānau? This resource covers demonstrations sites, co-design, what carers and whānau are saying they want, purchasing options, skill development and how to contribute to system transformation.

Information for families – preparing for the ‘new system’

Find helpful tips to assist you and your whānau to prepare for the ‘new system’ (transformation of the disability support system).

Families – expectations of providers

This guide looks at the expectations of families in the disability support system transformation (what they expect of disability support services).

Whakapapa Of Enabling Good Lives

Direct independent guidance

Dame Tariana Turia was Minister for Disability Issues between 2009 – 2014. Before and after the initial Enabling Good Lives Report (2011), direct independent guidance from leaders within the disability sector, to the Minister for Disability Issues was a strong feature of the initial development of the EGL approach.

Resources that might interest you …


Enabling Good Lives Principles in Action – describes the EGL principles and what the new approach to supports and services might look like in practice (for carers and whānau).

Transforming the Disability System & Enabling Good Lives (2017)  Initial reference for carers and whānau – what’s been agreed, what this might mean in the future and how you can prepare.

System Transformation Update and the MidCentral prototype (2018) – provides an outline of what carers and whānau may want to know about system transformation and the MidCentral prototype.

Enabling Good Lives (Te Ara Totika he whānau/tangata haua) – what the Enabling Good Lives approach can mean for Māori.


Enabling Good Lives – information on System Transformation, MidCentral updates and the EGL Christchurch and Waikato demonstrations.

Mana Whaikaha – Mid-Central disability support system transformation.

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